Monday 15 June 2015

Picasso homework part 1:
1.Print out 2 Picasso portraits
2.Draw a copy of a Picasso portrait

Picasso homework part 2:

Art homework
Please work on the double pages you have glued your Picasso homework on.
1.Add the title- Picasso
2.Write about one of the Picasso images:
Describe what you can see
Do you like the image?  Why?

3.Add any other decorative features you may wish to add e.g.  Drawing Picasso patterns to create a boarder etc.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Impressionist Home work

Find an Impressionist Artist.
Choose from the following:
Monet, Sisley, Pissaro
Find two pictures and print them.

Find out:

  • When the artist was working
  • The name and dates of the pictures
  • What techniques they used
  • Describe the picture in your own words
  • Tell us what you like about the work.

Monday 20 October 2014

Still life homework

Still life homework
Select 3 objects.  Arrange the objects as a group.
Consider if the page should be portrait or landscape.
Draw what you see.  Fill the page!

Draw the basic shapes lightly, add detail and directional shading in a range of tones.

Monday 3 February 2014

year 7 self portrait homework

Self portrait homework
You are going to draw a self portrait, including face, hair, neck and shoulders
Draw yourself by looking in the mirror. 
Your drawing will fill an A4 page.
Draw lightly to begin with so any marks can rubbed out.
Shade in a range of tones adding detail and texture.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Year 7 Picasso Project

You can work in small groups to produce this project make sure you label what you have contributed to the booklet.

You can include the following:
Front cover
Content page
Found images of the internet
Brief explanation of  how Picasso works
What do you understand by Cubism?
Produce a range of your own drawings, some copies, some where you have taken your own images (pictures of a friend/ family member/ pop star) and have produced a drawing in the style of Picasso’s work.

You may wish to present the work as a slide show, leaflet or booklet for a presentation after Easter.

Consider colour scheme, shape, pattern, texture, quality of line.

I hope you enjoy the project good luck.